PM Khanal hints at extending CA term

Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal has indicated that the Constituent Assembly (CA) term will be further extended if the task of constitution drafting does not get completed by May 28, when the CA's current term ends. The Supreme Court (SC) has made it clear that the CA's term will not end until it completes the task of constitution writing, said PM Khanal at a meeting of the International Relations and Human Rights Committee of the Legislature Parliament, Thursday. Khanal further said, the CA's main task is to make a constitution and it can't shy away from its responsibility. The SC had issued a verdict few months ago upholding the CA decision to extend its term last year saying the CA term cannot end until a new constitution is promulgated. According to existing provisions, the CA needs to amend the clause related to the CA term in the interim constitution. The interim constitution can be amended with a two-third majority. Considering the remaining processes in constitution making it is almost impossible to promulgate a new constitution within the stipulated date of May 28.


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