Gorkha is a historic town in western and central Nepal. It has various historic, religious and touristic values related to it. Within Nepal, the first thing that comes to people's minds while when talking about Gorkha is the unification of Nepal. It was from Gorkha that the unification of Nepal started back in 1800s. Before that Nepal did not exist as a nation. There were several principalities and smaller states, some of them conglomorated to form a kind of union, while others existed independently. The borders of the states kept changing with one king attacking here and another king losing there. King Prithvi Narayan Shah from Gorkha started conquering neighboring states first and then the Kathmandu valley later. That is how the unification of Nepal began and that is what people understand Gorkha as. In the international arena, however, people know little about the unification thing, but the name Gorkha is still famous. Due to the differnce in dialect, it is rather kno...