Missing doc's briefcase found in Mugling

Some goods including a breifcase belonging to Dr Bhaktaman Shrestha, executive director of BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur has been found in Mugling, police said. Dr Shrestha is missing since Tuesday night. His car was found in Pokhara Wednesday evening. The briefcase marked BM Shrestha was recovered from the house of Ek Bahadur Thapa located in Darechok VDC along the Narayangadh - Mugling road, Saturday morning. Thapa told the police, he and his friends found the briefcase and the goods at about 4 pm, Wednesday at a nearby jungle when they had gone to collect firewood. Police got the information about the goods only Saturday. Nothing more is known about the whereabouts of the missing doctor yet. Whether Thapa was involved in the incident in any way is also not known. Related links: Missing doctor's car found; no clue about the person Bharatpur Cancer Hospital Exe-Director Bhakta Man Shrestha abducted