Largest Rhino Count in Nepal begins
The fifth Rhino Count, the largest ever campaign to count the number of greater one-horned Rhinos living in the jungles of Nepal has begun from Chitwan National Park (CNP), Tuesday. Some 150 wildlife technicians have bee deployed on 40 domesticated elephants with modern equipments to track and collect details of the endangered animal, according to Juddha Gurung, member secretary of Nature Conservation Trust, which manages CNP. The team completed count of Rhinos in Sunachari area of CNP, 1 st among the 19 blocs in CNP. The Rhino will be conducted over 19 days in CNP, taking one bloc each day. The Rhino count team will collect maximum possible details of the Rhinos including sex, estimated age and health status of the Rhinos. Greater one-horned Rhinos, available only in the jungles of Nepal and India, have been placed in the list of endangered animals due to the fast depletion in its numbers. The animal is poached for its precious horn, which is believed to have medicinal and cosmetic...