Dr Bhaktaman Shrestha released

Dr Bhakta Man Shrestha, executive director of BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur, who was abducted on May 18, has been released safely Saturday morning. Dr Shrestha called his brother DSP Jagat Man Shrestha from Majimtar at the border of Chitwan and Dhading at 3 am, today. A police team led by DSP Shrestha, who was in Chitwan in the course of investigation on his brother's disappearance, immediately left for Majimtar and rescued him.

Dr Shrestha arrived at his residence in Bharatpur at about 7 am. Large number of well-wishers, journalists and public had gathered outside his residence to see him. Reports say, Dr Shrestha looked very grim when he appeared before the crowd. He did not speak anything, and only waved at the well-wishers. Tears were falling down his eyes as he entered his house.

Reports say, Dr Shrestha looked exhaust and pale. His clothes were soiled and beard was grown.


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