Plight of Nepali singles

Unlike in many countries of the world, Nepali singles who indulge in sex before marriage are considered to be of low moral character by the society here. I am saying Nepali singles, because, the same society openly accepts, and often appreciates foreigners visiting or working in Nepal having sex before marriage or even with multiple partners.

This dubious nature of Nepali society has made the sex lives of thousands of young Nepali singles difficult. They go without sex or put in a lot of effort to conceal a sexual relationship for the fear of social stigma. Some singles in Nepal totally abstain from sex, while others keep their sexual relationship very secret.

A single girl and a single boy, who could be mutually attracted as well as in need of each other for sexual pleasure, need to go without it just because of the social perception of sex.

Traditionally, people used to get married early. By the time, they became sexually active, they would have already been married, and hence with a sex partner. So, these problems were not there.

In the recent years, Nepalis remain single till they are older. Some Nepalis choose to remain single throughout their lives. On an average Nepalis remain single at least till the age of 30. And, arguably, that is the age, when a person needs sex most.

But, Nepali singles are mostly deprived of sex. Nepali singles dating and having relationship with opposite gender is not common. If a Nepali single meets another single of opposite gender, generally, the community looks at it with a negative perception. The situation is particularly difficult for girls.

A Nepali single girl, who hangs around or meets men, is not considered good. The society looks down upon those girls even though there is not logic behind such behavior. For boys, the situation is a bit different. While Nepali single boys who hang around with single or married women are also not considered good, they are also taken as bold and strong by some.

So, Nepali singles are suffering the brunt of orthodox social perception fed by age-old faith and practices which have made their lives not so interesting.


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