Bharatpur cancer hospital providing blood cancer drug for free

At a time when the trend of taking a free ride on everything possible is on the rise, the free medicine facility for blood cancer patients at Bharatpur Cancer Hospital has been under utilised due to lack of public know how, Nagarik daily reported.

We provide free medicine for blood cancer patients who have undergone treatment in any hospital of the country, said Bhakta Man Shrestha, executive director of the hospital.

We have asked many hospitals to send blood cancer patients who cannot afford the cost of the medicine to us, but we have not got patients as expected, Shrestha said.

The hospital has been providing such service since past six years with support of an American drug company Novartis.

Although the number of blood cancer could be much higher, only 246 patients have availed the service so far, Pyuthan’s journalist Bindu Pariyar being the latest one.

According to Shrestha, a patient needs to take medicine worth up to Rs 150000 per month for lifelong.
When a blood cancer comes to us and it is established she/he cannot afford the cost of the medicine, we send all related documents by email to the company and it sends the medicine in the name of the patient itself.


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