23 perish, over 60 wounded in church collapse

At least 23 persons have been killed and over five dozen wounded when a make-shift hall constructed for the general congress of a Church collapsed in the eastern town of Dharan Sunsari, last night.

The dead include four minors and most others are women. All of them have been identified.

2000 Christian delegates from Nepal and India were participating in the congress that started from Monday.

Police have said the hall collapsed as more people than the capacity of the hall were in the hall.

Those dead include Nanda Kishori Limbu, Ekola Limbu, Shanti Tamang, Abhisek Rai, Nandimaya BK, Pavitra Limbu, Rajesh Rai, Kumari Tamang, Poonam Magar, Goma Bhujel, Anti Maya Rai, Kalavati Khausiya, Rajesh Rai, Suleman Tamang, Niru Rai and Kalpana Tamang.


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